Yesterday marked the 128th anniversary of Shrila Prabhupada's divine appearance, and the B.L.I.S.S devotees celebrated by writing and
reciting offerings to him.
Daivi Shakti Devi Dasi:
Dear Srila Prabhupāda,
Today, Tuesday, August 27th, I can finally say that I have accepted you as my spiritual master.
I remember very well the first contact I had with your transcendental person—first through your vibration so well explained by Allison and Jad, and then your form, on that image in their apartment with the famous quote where you instructed your disciples to distribute your books profusely. What struck me most during our first meeting was the way Allison described you and how she looked at you, with eyes full of love, constantly saying that you had saved her life. It was very inspiring, and I remember being deeply intrigued. At the beginning of my meeting with Allison and Jad, I wondered what you could have given them that was so precious—nothing less than God, the source of everything. I will remember for the rest of my life that fabulous day when I found you and Krishna. You are the two sole goals of my life, and I hope to cultivate this desire indefinitely.
Especially today, I pray that you bless me with your lotus-like feet, your transcendental vibration, and that you allow me to always serve your pure devotees here at the Bliss temple. Without them, I certainly wouldn't be here today. You have made them so perfect—true gentlemen, pure servants of Krishna—and the closer I get to them, the closer I feel to you and Krishna. Is that the secret of our devotional life? Associating with pure devotees who strictly follow your divine instructions—it must be. Even though I've read it so many times, knowing that I have a very third-class intelligence, it's only recently that I've realized how much I need constant cooperation with my godbrothers. Recently, Krishna Prema and I have joined forces in your mission, and I believe I have never been so satisfied with any relationship, whether devotional or material. Together, we are so much stronger, each complementing the other in your devotional service and that of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Nothing pleases you more than when we wildly spread the Holy Names of Krishna. On this day, so important to me, I can finally consider myself one of your disciples, your servant, an insignificant soul desperately seeking to go back home, back to Godhead, clinging to your lotus-like feet. I would like to have the confidence that this is my only desire, but unfortunately, it's not the case.
I understand that it is only by your infinite mercy that I am able to contribute anything to the mission of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. I would like you to help me feel more and more incapable, to develop this sense of inadequacy in the service of Krishna. This is my ticket to going back home, so today I express this desire before you, and I know Krishna hears me, and I also know that you hear and listen to me. I can't wait to be pure. I know I can sometimes be impatient, and in the eyes of the śāstras, I know this is not a quality you appreciate. Each day, by associating with your transcendental vibration, I can get closer to you, and I wish for every conditioned soul in this material world to associate with you through your lectures, for example. What a balm for the heart... at the slightest problem caused by the mind, simply by hearing your voice, the way you speak—so direct and affectionate—the way you pause at such perfect moments, when you clear your throat during lectures or sniffle. Everything you do is so attractive. I would like to develop this vision of your purity more and more. You are so dear to Krishna, and you have decided in this life to guide me to Him, despite my contamination.
Each day, I feel more and more encouraged, and I know it's only by your mercy. Faith in the words of the spiritual master should be considered our life and soul. Everything that emanates from your divine mouth is as pure as Krishna. Why gamble? If you say it is like this, it is like this. If you say we must act in this way, it must be done in this way. Why doubt? Why take even one piece of information from any source other than your transcendental books? It is so gratifying to read about Krishna. Association by vani (words) should be considered the most important thing in our lives. If one wants to become a pure devotee, one must constantly associate with a pure devotee.
I am very fortunate; in this life, you have given me the immense fortune of serving under the instructions of Purujit Prabhu, your most sincere disciple. It is partly thanks to him that I am able to render even the slightest service to the mission of Lord Caitanya every day. The devotion and fidelity he has for you are beyond my understanding. My only wish, at least the only wish I desire, is to one day attain the devotion, fidelity, and love he has for you. Your direct association, your divine instructions—this is the goal of this miserable and useless human life. So I implore you always to bless me with transcendental vibration, to always serve your pure devotees, and to bring me back home. On this day, I promise never to engage in sinful activities again, to absorb myself in your divine books every day, to make your instructions my only meditation, and to focus my mind on preaching the message of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Without you, I am nothing, Shrila Prabhupāda, simply a sinful living entity. Thank you for saving me and continuing to save me. Now I understand why Allison looked at you with eyes full of love. All glories to you, Srila Prabhupāda.