Shrila Prabhupada refers to school as the ‘slaughterhouse of the soul’. This is what he has to say about the modern education system.
There are two kind of men, dhira and adhira. The modern education is producing only the adhira class who are neither sober or educated.
Actually, at the present moment there is no education, because education means to understand my identity. The so-called education which is going on, that is called art… The modern education, they are simply giving lessons on some art, generally known as technology… But we do not know what is going to happen next life, my soul. That we do not.
(B.G class, 17/02/75, Mexico)
This life is preparation for the next life. That they do not know. The modern education and its universities are completely in darkness about this simple knowledge.
(Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers)
The defect of modern education is that the children are taught all nonsense things. They do not receive even the first point of knowledge, that I am pure spirit soul part and parcel of God.