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Recipe: Sweet Raw Mango Pickle - "Chunda"

Here is a classic Krishna recipe, from issue 8 of the Matchless Gift magazine. Find a fresh recipe in each new monthly issue! Click here to subscribe. Mango pickle recipe

Recipe: Sweet Raw Mango Pickle - "Chunda"

Pickles in the western world are generally conceived of as the gherkin or cucumber pickle and that's about as far as it goes, but Indian culture has a habit of pickling just about anything, and there are a variety of methods and spcies that really change up the game. Here's a recipe for a traditionally super sweet and tart pickle that you can make at home with a little effort and patience, but Krishna will certainly appreciate it. Plus it will last up to a year and a half on your shelf. Srila Prabhupada would often enjoy pickles at home with his mother during his childhood pastimes.

mango pickle

Prep time: 10-15 minutes

Cooking time: 6-10 days

Serves: 1.4 kg (approximately)

Notes & tips:

• You can use ladva or rajapuri variety of raw mangoes instead of totapuri, but if you’re using ladva or rajapuri you will need to use 1.25 kg or 1250 grams of powdered sugar as these variety of raw mangoes are a bit sourer than totapuri.

• Cleanliness is very important in the entire process of making the chunda so make sure your hands & the utensils you are using are very clean & dry, doing this will ensure that the chunda won’t spoil.

• You can also add some additional spices like clove powder & cinnamon powder to flavour your chunda, every Indian home has their own set of spices that they add.

• You can also make instant chunda using the same ingredients, after grating the mangoes & mixing in the salt, turmeric & sugar, you can cook the chunda in a kadhai (wok or large half spherical pot) over very low flame until it reaches one string consistency. Once it reaches the right consistency, cool it down & add the spices, your instant aam chunda will be ready.










• To make aam (mango) chunda you’ll firstly need wash the rajapuri mangoes very nicely & then dry them using a cloth or tissues, make sure that the mangoes are completely dry.

• Further start peeling the mangoes, once you are done peeling the mangoes, you’ll have to grate them.

• Start grating the mangoes through the large holes of the grater, you don’t have to use the finer holes, discard the seed of the mango once you reach the centre, grate all the mangoes similarly.

• Transfer all the grates mangoes into a large heatproof glass bowl or a stainless-steel vessel, make sure that the bowl is clean & dry.

• At this stage you are going to add the salt & turmeric powder, now mix everything well using your hands until everything combines.

• Further add the powdered sugar, you’ll need to add it in batches & make sure that you sieve it before adding.

• Add the powdered sugar in batches & mix well after adding each batch, there should be no lumps of sugar, using powdered sugar would be ideal as it melts immediately after adding & mixing it in.

• Now cover the bowl with a muslin cloth & tie it very tightly using a string, your initial prep for the chunda is done.

• Keep the chunda indoors overnight once you prep it till this stage.

• The very next morning place the chunda outside on the terrace under direct sunlight till evening.

• Bring the chunda indoors again after the sun sets, you’ll then need to open the muslin cloth & stir the chunda well using a clean spoon, the sugar settles on the bottom so stirring it is very important.

• Cover it again with the muslin cloth & keep it indoors overnight.

• Repeat the process of keeping it under direct sunlight then bringing it indoors & keeping it indoors overnight for 6-10 days until the sugar syrup thickens & almost reaches one string consistency.

• Once you have repeated the process for 6-10 days & the chunda has almost reached one string consistency, you’ll have to add the further ingredients.

• Now add the kashmiri red chilli powder, cumin powder & garam masala, stir & mix well using a clean spoon.

• After mixing it cover it again with the muslin cloth & keep it under the sunlight for final 2 hours.

• After the final stage the chunda will be ready, store it in an airtight glass jar & it will last upto 1-2 years.

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